
Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
As the title states, I am in a position where I can change things around.

In addition to my 45, I was going to set up a 2.5 Pico, but went against it do to extreme maintenance issues. The evaporation would be high and water changes would be more frequent then I would be upto. So that has turned to a definite no.Today I went to my LFS to return an item, and saw a gorgeous AGA 37 gallon with stand for $320. I think the price is fair, but it is for an incredible cabinet. This thing is definitely upto nice furniture quality, solid wood, no laminate. It is the same brand my dad is getting for his incoming 210, BRI.
I am able to afford this right now, and all of my equipment will transfer *celebrate. My 45 gallon pentagonal prizm is PetSMart brand. I hate the change in views through the 3 front panels. I bought it as it would be the difference in the Oceanic 30g Cube, and it was more of an impulse buy, just to have the space. Then I went on to buy 30# of sand and 60# of LR. That was my good move. My next bad move would be leaving the 17W stock light on the tank for 4 months. Now all of the filtration and lighting is right, and that took until my 10th month. I think my main deal is I just dove into this waaay too fast. The best thing I did in the beginning was let the rock cycle for 1.5 months. Now here is my chance to fix myself.

My position..

I would be setting this up as a FOWLR again, as I like the beauty of coralline and crap on the rocks more than corals, and I can't afford them. :p I think my tank is overstocked (although it is still at its limits) and I would like to bring the population density and bioload down.

My current stocking list:

-3 Stripe Damsel
-Longnose Hawkfish
-Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish Pair
-Coral Beauty Angel
-Fumanchu Lionfish
-Snowflake Eel
...and the biggie...
-Yellow Tang (I know, I know, Tang Police, hold your horses, I am admitting myself. I thought that a 45 was close enough to a 50, but now, after I have actually learned what I needed to before I began, I know it wasn't gallons, it was the 48"(Thanks MFT!). He will be gone, and I am sorry to those whom this offends.)

-Longspine Urchin
-Bubble Tip Anemone
-Rock Flower Anemone
-Emerald Mithrax Crab (1, the rest my eel ate, hehehe)
-Turbo Snails (4)
-Blue Leg Hermits (2, hitchikers)

Now, along with changing shape of the tank, I am going to change the stocking list. I would like to keep the following, but would also appreciate some outside views.

-Snowflake Eel (14")
-Fumanchu Lionfish (2")
-Female Clownfish (3.5")
-Male Clownfish (2")

-Longspine Urchin (6")
-Bubble Tip Anemone (6-7", but maybe get a much larger one)

I would like to keep the stocking light, and enjoy having to sit for a moment to see things, although the Tang is distracting. I have to go with the 37G because I can only fit anything upto 33" (36 would work (46 Bowfront), but without my closet door, so mom says no), and I have learned that bigger is better *thumbsups.

I am going to make some things come from the drawing pad on this one too. I was thinking of putting in a PVC maze beneath the sand for my eel. Probably 1" (big enough?) piping in the shape of an H or 0. Then I would trade out my CaribSea Florida Aragonite for some Hawaiian Black sand, not the Indo-Pacific that is half gray/black, the full on black stuff, and deeper...4". I would then want to make the background black. Right now, on my 45 I have a laminate sheet of black behind the two rear panels, but it lets in light for reflections and I am not completely satisfied. What do I need and where would I get stuff to paint the back panel? Do you paint inside or outside?

I'd change out the Turbo Snails (I don't like them) for a bunch of Nassarius/Cerith/Astrea Snails and a bunch more hermits, probably Blue Leg or Black/White Hawaiian. How many of each? 24 and 12 is what I was thinking.

Then I might also add some easy corals too, like Zoos and Mushrooms (I love Ricordias/Yumas!)

With the new sand bed and old LR, would cycling be needed? Would this help too? (Nitromax)
How would I go about transferring items? I was thinking of removing the LR and storing it in a plastic container with a little bit of water and possibly a heater, then draining the water from its 24" to 6" or so, and catch all the fish/inverts. Then I would take the aquarium out of its position and replace it with the new, add the LR, then sand, and finally water and equipment. (Wait?) Then add desired specimens. If the wait is too long for them to be in a bag, my LFS can hold them.

I think that that is all I have for right now. I want all the feedback I can get. Thanks MFT!

-Kevin C.

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Where does one start. Do you happen to have pics of this tank? Sorry but you are so overstocked that it is a wonder you don't have a major ich breakout. What type of lighting do you have, not that this is an issue but a bta needs good light and I think you probably have it as a host for the maroons. I can't imagine how all these fish are getting along right now. These are in a 45g? The tang is definitely out as they need a minimum of a 75 for the linear feet if nothing else. If you are downsizing to a 35 maybe only keep the lionfish? or the pair of maroons and upgrade your lighting to keep the bta.....I am not that familiar with eels but don't they get very big? as do lionfish? I know they are not that big now but they do grow and when they do they need space otherwise you will be stressing them unecessarily.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
With the change in tanks and livestock you will definatly need to beef up the filtration. I dont know what you got, but i would definatly look into a heavy duty canister filter along with a hang on the back of some sort for added mechanical. You will also want a good quality skimmer. I think the four final fish you want to keep is fine, if you got the filtration. The lion wont get much bigger, the clowns are about half way to adult size, and the eel may grow a few more inches but personally I dont believe that will matter. If the clowns do start to spawn you may want to remove them and add something else.

When you transfer stuff, I would get a large rubbermaid or trashcan to use to store a lot of water. You will want to keep at least 50 percent for your new tank.

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Sam, on the LR, can't I keep all of my LR?, or atleast fill the new tank to the brim? What do you think of Eheim filters? Do they work? I've heard complaints, but I'd like to get some kind of wet/dry sump/fuge. That will definitely be in the works. I only have a Prizm right now, but was thinking of swapping it out for a Remora or something in that nature.
Oh, and on the four final fish, I am not sure if I will keep the Eel/Lion. I have been looking into my options, and talked in chat with some MFT and am wanting to go more reef. Besides, I don't want to stuff my eel into that tank. Maybe some more peaceful members. I might trade the clowns for 1 false percula, and go with one or two other fish at MAX. Possibly a basselet, blenny, or wrasse....something along those lines.

Lorna, thanks for your concern, but somehow, I have been VERY LUCKY, and thats all that has done this for me, is luck. No ich, and no crazy amm./nitrite/nitrate levels. Somehow, it works.

I figure all of this to take a long time to transition. I have read The Conscientious Marine Aquarist and The New Marine Aquarium cover to cover, and wish I had done this a long time before I even set up my tank. So it looks like this is going to be my chance to get things right. I'm looking forward to checking everything here before I act, to make sure this is 100% right.

So far:

Lighting - 30" 130W 50/50
Filtration - Some extensive wet/dry overflow, Remora Protein Skimmer, refugium
Movement - SEIO M820


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
You can keep all of it. After you fill the tank with the lr use some old aquarium water. In general Ehiem is a really dependable filter brand. They make high quality canister filters. If you do a sump style refugium and mud filter that would be good as well. Remora is a good skimmer line.

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
The more I look at it, it looks like I need a total reboot :eek: Just to take out LR, catch fish, anemones, and other invertebrates, then re-insert LR, and leave tank running....crap.

Oh well, atleast I'll know what I'm doing this time, and won't screw up my money again. It's not a total loss.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
You are on the right track by downsizing your bioload. I have a remora skimmer and it is a great product that coupled with ehiem filter and a sump and you should be okay. Where are you located, I am looking for a coral beauty and a mated pair of add to my 75. I already have a tang and diamond gobie in there.......hence my comment about the substrate. That thing moves 100lbs of sand around constantly. Keeps it really clean too.....

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Lorna, I am about 20 miles outside of Tampa, FL. It is a suburb called Riverview, which is just south of Brandon.


Lighting - 30" 130W 50/50
Filtration - Prizm (already own), 60#LR
Movement - SEIO M820 (already own)

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Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
New update. I have found a new home my clowns+bta, eel, and tang. They will all be going to my dad's 210 over the next couple of months. I found some affordable MHs nearby. Would 250w with a 10k bulb be okay on a 37? I could just throw a couple of fans on the back. I'd like to keep a sebae anemone(as a centerpiece), I don't care for corals.

Lighting: 250wMH, 3/4w Moonlight
Filtration: Prizm, 60#LR, 60#DSB
Movement: SEIO M820


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
sounds great! Sounds like the fish are all going to a good home......that's excellent. The lighting sound good for a 37 and you should be able to keep almost anything in there. The only thing about the sebae is that they are more demanding than the bta as far as water quality etc is concerned. You could always do a clam under those lights?

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
I am in a position where bi-weekly water changes are available, if that makes me able to keep the sebae. I was thinking about a crocea or maxima eventually. I am more interested in anemones than anything else. Clams are second. Corals aren't on my list, they didn't make the team. lol

Oh, and my 45 will become my dad's quarantine tank for his 210. Is that big enough? The biggest item to quarantine would be a Naso Tang.

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Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
My BTA has been returned to the LFS for store credit today. His conditions suddenly worsened, and he was spread out reaaally wide. :( His mouth was still tight, so I scooped him off of the glass, and brought him back. My maroons looked like they were beating him up too much also.

He wasn't bleached though, but he should do better under their 250's.*SUNSMILE*
