Remora Mods ?


Large Fish
Aug 19, 2007
Springfield MO
Are there anyone who has done any ?

i would like to know about any idea's how to maybe turn it into a urchin ?
or redesign it into a sump version ?

second what about a drain for the collection cup . Could i try to drill a hole in the cup and attach a hose into a 1 gallon jug ? whould make it easier for me . i cant hardly get the cup on and off .


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
hmmm I know you can run it in the sump by lowering the pump down with a longer tube...then again I think you are feeding yours from your return so you would be okay to run it in sump. My ac pro with the drain has a cut out section on the side of the body that the drain fits into and the drain is really low in the collection cup....check out the pictures on their website carefully before you start should be okay though. I like this option as I never have to worry about it filling up while I am out.