removed terror from the tank

Aug 5, 2004
houston, texas
Visit site
I have 2 gold, 2 blue, and 2 red dwarfs in 40 gal. tank. I had a blue running the tank and picking on all other fish. The other blue isolated itsself due to the bully. I removed the bully and the next day the scared blue died. I now have a gold starting to isolate itsself as did the blue, but there is no one picking on it. I have been adding plants to the tank and was wondering if the change in environment is stressing out the fish. The dwarfs love the added plants. The golds are staying at surface. There is no sign of disease and the water conditions are great. Should I just remove the golds from the tank? How do I destress the fish?



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Do you know if the golds are male/female? Males will have a longer, more pointed top fin, femals are usually rounded. If you have a male and a female, you could try getting another female, and see if that helps. Two males will usually be territorial.

If there is no one picking on the gold, I wouldn't remove it.