i had a ten gallon set up, and was looking to get some more gravel at wal-mart because i didnt pick enough up. and then i saw them... they were soooooo cute, and they were screaming HELP ME!!!!! so i bought three cichlids... not sure what kind though. they were listed as african cichlids. and wal-mart has never carried them before. one is bright orange, one is bright yellow with black on the tips of his fins, and the other is blue with darker blue stripes. there were a bunch mixed in the tank together. about 20 were in a 15 gallon tank. i felt so bad. i'm surprised they look so good after being in wal-mart. they have only been there since thursday though, and it was one of the cleanest tanks, if you could call any of them clean. anywhooo. does anyone know what kind i have?