resealing a tank

Aug 23, 2010
Hi there, I just got my hands on a 75 gallon tank that was in rough shape with the seals. As i have never done this before with a tank, I'm looking for any help on tricks or information on how to do so. My main question is, do I have to seperate the glass and do the complete seal or can I strip off the old inside and then just reseal fromt he inside. The seal across the bottom of the tank seems fine and it is only the edges on the sides that are a bit old. The tank came from an aquarium and was already predrilled on the bottom, but the previous owner sealed that with a plate of glass. I don't have any worries about that leaking as its got a very good seal around it. What I do have a worry about is only resealing the sides. should I just reseal the entire tank or will the silicone adhear to the silicone across the bottom? If so, is a company called xiameter a good place for buying silicones online? I've heard good things about them but just wanted to double check.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Have you tested the tank to see if the seals will hold? If you haven't already, I would suggest doing that first. That way you avoid any unnecessary work.

I have used GE Premium Waterproof Silicone and it works perfectly, plus it is MUCH cheaper than aquarium silicone (I paid $5 for a small .5oz tube of aquarium silicone...paid $3 for a 2.8oz tube of the GE silicone). Sealed my acrylic Hex5 tank with it when it cracked and haven't had a problem with it since (and it's been almost a year and a half since I had to fix it).