Resting time


Small Fish
Jul 26, 2006
Wigan, England, Britain
Hey, I just got home from work and flicked the light on in my tank, as usual the 2 Malawi cichlids became active first followed about 2 minutes later by the silver dollars but the keyholes always take longest to "wake". I assume that the different fish have slightly different ways of resting but in all the newbie faq's on the internet nobody has ever suggested the amount of light/darkness fish need each day. Maybe the keyholes need more rest or maybe they are just a little slow at waking up. I was hoping that one of you could shed some light on this topic.

One of the best things to do for me is to try and find the keyholes before they start swimming around, they love resting on the wood in my tank.


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
I think ever fish is different... My danios never seem to sleep. They stay active long after the lights go out and they're active no matter what time I get up in the morning. My upside-down catfish however sleep most of the day. They are only active for a few hours in the evening around chow time.


Small Fish
Jul 28, 2006
i think it depends on age also, my pacu used to play and chase eachother at night and keep me awake banging on the tank and moving the rocks and plants around but when they were about two they started "sleeping" at night and would actually act grumpy in the mornings i woke up to go to work, it was kinda funny they would hide their faces in the plants till i turned the room light off when i left, but on sat mornings they would be up before me playing around waiting on their breakfast. cute little boogers