Restless Otocinclus


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2009
I bought an otto to add to my tank, but it's been restless (swimming around the walls constantly) since I put him in the tank. The only time it stays calm is when it's eating. Is it not well because it's by himself? It noticed that it tries to follow other fish in the tank as if he's looking for a buddy. I'm hesitant to add another otto to my tank because I already have a lot of fish in it.

Does anyone have any idea why it's frantically swimming around constantly? My water parameters are ideal.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
He's probably lonely. Otos are definitely schooling fish and do well in large groups (5 or more). I have three in my 45gal right now and I hardly ever see them because they're usually hiding. I'll definitely be adding more when I have the money.

Have you checked out to see what you're at on your stocking capacity? Otos don't take up much biolode, so you'd probably be able to get a couple of more. Check out the "Is three otos enough?" thread that I started in the bottomfeeders forum. That might help you too.


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2009
I just checked out AqAdvisor, it says I'm good now. It seems like I can add a couple more otos and still be OK. Perhaps I should find him 2 more buddies if that won't overload my tank? I already do weekly 30~40% water changes, so it seems like it might be OK. The only thing is that it just looks too busy in there, haha.. My zebras are crazy active, both playfully and sexually.