
Dec 14, 2011
I've always wanted a tank of larger FW fish, and I'm wondering on how to go about doing that with my 60G. I'd keep my angel pair, the cories, and Ms. Spines (bristlenose pleco). I've been looking at discus for awhile now, but I've never dealt with them before, and I don't know a whole lot about them (obviously I need to do some homework).

What do you guys think stocking-wise? Any suggestions in general?


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
if youre going with discus, a lot of people will say stay as close to their natural social environment as you can so you can better enjoy keeping them. being social fish with a pecking order they want to be in a group of 5 or more. that means a big tank, often 90gals and more.

I've always wanted to keep one discus in my 40 gal instead of an angel but i don't think it will work. it will probably have problems being alone. constantly hiding, scared of its surroundings, bored, running glass, ect. I have a large black angelfish for my tank, that works for me.

looks at SA cichlids, there are a lot of colorful ones out there. keyhole cichlids, or if you water's warmer, Tapajos Geophagus cichlids are cool.
what other fish are you interested in?


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
discus can be kinda fragile as well from my understanding. more so when they are young. have you looked into smaller north american? like the pumpkinseed in my profile pic? they get to the point where i would comfortably but 3-4 in a 60 gallon with the stocking. they are predatory, though they have small mouths. as for fin nipping or aggression i couldn't say. I've never kept any. just it's much larger cousin the green sunfish which is VERY aggressive.