Restocking 47g tank- suggestions?

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
After laying low for several months and fighting several diseases, I am left with 9 adult fish (counting the pleco I'm goint to get rid of) and a very empty tank. I'm limited on what I can add b/c I have found only one LFS with fish that don't introduce a new disease as soon as I've gotten rid of the last one. Right now I have (and plan to keep):

1 male neon swordtail (3 in)
2 juvenile swordtails, which I'll keep only if they are female (0-6 in)
1 female variatius (2 in)
1 small (part dwarf?) male platy (1 in)
4 platy fry- again, I'll only keep the females (0-8 in)
6 harlequin rasboras (6 in)
=12-26 inches of fish, probably around 20 b/c I doubt all the fry are female

My current plan:
5 each of two different kinds of small tetra (10 in)
small school of danios (how many? how big?)
some kind of hardy, peaceful centerpiece fish (gourami?)
female platies or swordtails if fry are all male
rainbows? white cloud minnows? (depends on LFS availavility)
other small, easy schooling fish

All comments and criticisms are welcome.

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
The fry were never a problem. Fire Saber (my male sword) makes sure that no more than one survives from each batch. He almost wiped out my guppies before I moved them.
I kind of want to move away from livebearers, so I'll only get enough females to keep Fire Saber from terrorizing my poor male platy.


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2009
as a centerpiece fish, i recommend a dwarf gourami or a pearl gourami. as for schooling fish, i would try von rio tetras, rummynosed tetras, or cherry barbs.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
In a 47g you could have a pair of pearl gouramis - they would look very elegant, and in my experience are very peaceful. You'd have to check aqadvisor, but I wonder if you could even have four pearls in that tank??? Also, if you can find the long-finned golden white cloud minnows, they are far more interesting and attractive that the regular varietal, IMO.

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
I've been doing some research and have decided on dwarf flame gouramis (though pearls look awesome too), if I can find them. Also neon and bleeding heart tetras, depending on what the LFS has, and zebra danios. If I can't find white clouds, I'll probably get another 3 rasboras. I'll look for cherry barbs, too.

Some stocking changes: the smaller of my juvenile swords was terrorized to death by Fire Saber, my mean adult sword. The other now has a distinct gravid spot.
My female platy/variatus (whatever she is) that seemed sort of sick was just pregnant. I scooped up two before Fire Saber realized what was happening. I think there are two more hiding under a rock.

I realized that I'll have an algae problem again when I get rid of the giant grumpy pleco who keeps ripping out my plants with his tail. Would my snails take care of this?

Unfortunately I can't do anything until after spring break. Poor empty tank!

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
My last female platy is sick, so I have to put this project on hold. My emergency plan (becuase I broke my QT tank) is to euthanize her and move all the platy fry to the guppy tank, do a massive water change, and watch the tank for at least a month before I add anything. This seems to be a livebearer disease, as I have not lost a single rasbora despite numerous platy and guppy deaths.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
yeah, how sick is she? if she barely swims and is bloated o hell then I would see how euthanasia might be the way but if it's just ich or finrot, you can surely save her...

Jan 31, 2009
Near LA
This is the same disease I've been dealing with on and off for over a year. I looked it up online and can't remember exactly what it's called and now I can't find the site. It started out with white stringy poop, and now she's hovering under the filter gulping at the water. She's lost a lot of weight. I've tried various medicine, and nothing seems to help. This is the last of six platies I bought two months ago and they've all died of this. The guy at the LFS suggested ammonia poisoning, but wouldn't all the fish be sick then? I'll test my water just in case.

Feb 27, 2009
Testing the water is the only way to know if its ammonia or nitrite poisioning. It does not always affect all fish the same. Some show signs of suffering earlier than others.