Rethinking the nano-tank: Freshwater


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
So something at my big LFS got me wondering about some of these freshwater nano-fish. I noticed they were sitting in these little tanks and, relatively speaking, fit to size. Most of them range from about 1/2"-1" in length. So what size would they fit in? I've seen some mention of using the "10 gallon minimum" rule, but couldn't many of them do just as well in a 5.5 gallon? I did a little looking around and I haven't seen a dedicated FW Nano Tank section anywhere but on a few sales websites. I did manage to come up with microrasboras and pygmy cories.

Does anybody out there have a clue about what I'm talking about that could steer me in the right direction? Is the 5.5 gallon not just for betas anymore?

(Oh, and I hear you could fit a honey gourami in a 5.5 safely as well.)

Here's a list of species that are being marketed as freshwater nano fish (I've seen "some" of these at my big LFS):

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Feb 27, 2009
I've kept a shoal of Boraras brigittae (Chili Rasbora) in a 5 gallon tank. I've also kept a shoal of Celestichthys margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio) in a different 5 gallon tank.

They both thrived just fine in the tanks. I think the trouble folks have with such a small tank is overstocking it. I wouldn't put both sets of fish in one, and I didn't really feel any bottom dwellers would fit either.

I've moved those shoals out of the 5gallon tanks, however, as they both breed like rabbits! I started out with 8 of the rasbora, and moved 21 out a few months later. I wasn't even trying to save fry, just let them survive if they did. Same thing with the CPDs. Started out with 5, ended up with 18.

Oh, and the Indostomus crocodilus would work out well in a 5 gallon species tank.

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Feb 27, 2009
In the 10 gallon my CPDs live in now, they still breed a lot. I had siphoned water out of their tank to do a water change and instead of tossing it, added it to a plant-only tank for 'free' fertilizer. I saw 3 fry in that tank last night while pruning some plants. I can only assume they are CPD, as I can't remember putting any other tank's water in there, but time will tell. I've moved plants around too, and it could be Chili fry too. Right now, no color and until they get about 2x their current size, both look alike.

I can tell its not oto fry, or Badis badis fry. Hubby and I have a bet going on what they turn out to be. He thinks rasbora, I think the CPD. (But don't tell him about the water transfer...shhhhhhh!!!)

I can tell its not oto fry, or Badis badis fry. Hubby and I have a bet going on what they turn out to be. He thinks rasbora, I think the CPD. (But don't tell him about the water transfer...shhhhhhh!!!)
LOL cheating on the bet! :p That's too funny. I would love some chili rasbora, love love those guys. You have quite the tanks OC :]

As for the Nano tanks I think it'd be so much fun. I love looking at the photos of the people that do the Nano planted tanks that are like 1 gallon or less, teeny teeny little boxes, but the stuff they do in them is better than I can do in a 40 gallon tank! Although you can't put anything in them but plants, maybe a shrimp or snail :0

5 gallons of a nice little school would be fabulous and well worth it though.

Feb 27, 2009
I would love some chili rasbora, love love those guys. You have quite the tanks OC :]
Aww, thx!

I'm going to be moving my shoal of Chilis from a 10 gallon to a 20gallon long tank hopefully this weekend. I'll see if I can get a movie on my camera of a 'feeding frenzy' to show off their colors. They really are a beautiful fish.