Retrofit Kit Question


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2007
Western Kentucky
I will be moving soon and I am trying to do an aquarium makeover coninciding with the move. I am trying to redo my 29g and I am wondering about lighting. I am trying to set it up for keeping more light intensive plants.

The problem is that my tank is 30" long. I see almost no aquarium lighting that is just "plug and play" for a 30 inch tank. The flourescent bulb in the tank now is about 24" inches long. If i get a Sunpaq retrofit kit that is 24" will that fit my existing hood and be able to illuminate the entire tank?

I just hav a generic black perfecto recessed hood and canopy.


Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Really quick response. I did a similar retrofit to a perfecto hood (but this one was 20 inch L). The retrofit was done by A and H supplies, but I wouldn't recommend it.

If you take a look at how much I spent retrofitting, it is the same amount than if I bought a higher end setup and just plugged it in.

With the retrofit, I messed up and blacked out the rooms around my room. But don't be scared, I'm just illustrating my stupidity. I can say though that I learned a lot about lighting/electronics. I bought my first powertool as young as that may sound. So in that much I am satisfied.

Let me try to help you find "plug-and-play" setup lighting for your 30 inch L tank.


Small Fish
Mar 20, 2007
Western Kentucky
I have as much trepidation about the retrofit as you do. I would love to find something to just plug up but it doesn't seem like there is one that will give me the 3-4 wpg that I am looking for in the 30" length. I am looking for anything between $100-150.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.