Return pump delay box

May 14, 2008
When I feed my tank I find that most of the food is sucked down the overflow box before the fish can eat it. I have heard of a device called a delay box that the return pump plugs in to and you can push a button shutting off the pump for a set period of time then the pump turns back on automatically. I would rather use this device than plugging and unplugging the pump from the wall. Has anyone else heard of this device and could point me in the right direction to purchase one? I have tried Google and eBay but no luck.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2008
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
While I've never heard it called a delay box, most higher end wave timers have that funcion built into them. I have also seen a few DIY plans for them but they are WAY beyond my electrical motivation level lol ;). They arn't overly difficult with a relay and a switch but there's not normally a timer built in so you have to turn the pump back on. There is always X10 (if you do a search you'll see LOTS of info) so long as you don't mind a bit of electrical interference, then again they might have fixed that problem.

Here's and example of a higher end one.


Hope this helps even a little bit.

May 14, 2008
Actually, I just purchased a WaveMaster Pro but have not hooked it up yet. I did not realze it had a function for the main pump I thought it controlled powerheads only. I guess this will teach me to read the instructions. Thanks Chris.

May 14, 2008
If the fish aren't eating everything by the time it gets to the overflow, it could be that you're feeding too much. If you're feeding flake, soak it in some tank water before feeding so the fish can get it.
The fish are eating. My concern is are they getting enough to eat. Their weight and colour seem fine and there are no signs of sickness. Perhaps, I am over thinking the issue. Thanks for the tip for feeding the flake.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
You might want to check for opinions on how much to feed in the saltwater forum.

I know in my 110g tank (similar flow to yours) that the food doesn't even get a quarter of the way across the tank before it has all been eaten.

The tangs should be getting mostly vegetable-based foods (seaweed/spirulina pellets), and the cardinals, clown and gramma more meaty foods (probably only a pinch for all of them).

May 14, 2008
You might want to check for opinions on how much to feed in the saltwater forum.

I know in my 110g tank (similar flow to yours) that the food doesn't even get a quarter of the way across the tank before it has all been eaten.

The tangs should be getting mostly vegetable-based foods (seaweed/spirulina pellets), and the cardinals, clown and gramma more meaty foods (probably only a pinch for all of them).
According to your comments I believe that I am feeding too much. I will cut back on portions and see what happens. Thanks.