My lfs has these cute loaches that are labeled Ring Loaches. They don't know anything else about them.
I think they are either Nemacheilus scaturigina (Dahli Ring Loach) or Schistura beavani (Ring Loach). The pictures I've seen of these species look a whole lot alike.
I noticed a few of you guys had these species. Can you tell me about both since I don't know which it is? I don't want to get any until I know something about them: size, requirements, and behavior. I'll see if I can go back next week and get a picture of one.
I think they are either Nemacheilus scaturigina (Dahli Ring Loach) or Schistura beavani (Ring Loach). The pictures I've seen of these species look a whole lot alike.
I noticed a few of you guys had these species. Can you tell me about both since I don't know which it is? I don't want to get any until I know something about them: size, requirements, and behavior. I'll see if I can go back next week and get a picture of one.