RIP Rams


Medium Fish
May 12, 2005
I left for 2 days and when I returned I found my male ram swimming along the top front of the glass (very unusual for him and I knew my water parameters were good because I had done my regular water change before I left and checked it). So as I was watching him and he turned to go the other way and there was a large gash with some skin hanging off. I immediatly added some Melafix, but it was too late. I found him dead in the front corner of the tank on the gravel 4 hrs later with the female just hovering above him. She died a week later (4 days ago) of loneliness. She swam around in that corner looking for him until she died.


Medium Fish
May 12, 2005
Truthfully, I have no idea. The only things I had in the tank at the time were the plastic plants (probably the cause?), gravel (which is smooth), a terra cotta pot (not broken), 2 ottos, and a snail. My only guess is that they got spooked and she pushed him into something or they got in a fight. Which I had never seen them "fight", he would nip at her sometimes to get her to move. She would get in his way sometimes.

Yeah it sucks! They had just started coming to the front of the tank and watch me when I did the water change and test.