It greatly saddens me to be writing this. The heater got stuck on or out of whack somehow in my 55 and last night when I went to feed them two of my biggest fish in the tank were floaters. I went to get them out thinking maybe they just fought over territory or something and both died...but when I opened the lid a cloud of hot air hit me and my stomach just dropped. Thermometer said it was over 98 degrees!! ugh. So unplugging the heater, ice cubes, some cold water changes, set a fan up over the open lid and I got it down to 90 before I dropped in some ice packs in baggies to float and went to bed last night. This morning got up to assess the damage. Only my little 4" JD and the pleco (common) survived. Everyone else is MIA or I took their bodies out this morning. I didn't want to harass them last night and move their rocks around to see who was still alive...but I'm missing some bodies even after moving rocks this morning so I'm guessing they jumped out of the tank. Poor guys, I feel so bad. And it was a freaken new ebo jager heater too...seemed like it was ok, highly reccomended brand. At the last water change I turned it down a little bit because the tank seemed a bit warm (at 82ish) but apparantly the dial is broken or something because its set at 76.
Ah well...such is life I guess. RIP Brichardis & Julies & my comp
Ah well...such is life I guess. RIP Brichardis & Julies & my comp