

Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Today when I was admiring my 16 gallon tank I noticed one of my kuhli's had something on his face upon closer inspection I realized that he didn't have something on his face but was missing part of it. So I decided to put him down because I could tell that he was suffering. Not only was part of his face missing but he was having like seizures.

It's weird when I bought my kuhli's everyone appeared healthy. A couple weeks ago I noticed this particular loach had a white dot on his face, which I didn't think much of. Obviously it was more serious than I originally thought. :(

I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some insight on what possibly this was. All my other loaches appear healthy but now I'm going to keep a closer eye on them. Plus now I'm paranoid about getting some sort of flesh eating disease (my hands/arms are so dry from repeating washings)....which I know is stupid but seeing part of your alive fish missing part of his face is freaky!!

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Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
Sounds like hole in the head. It's a paracite that starts out small but as it grows it begins to eat through the flesh, which it sounds like in your case from the missing face.
Hole in the head is one nasty and painful (for the fish) disease. Preventatives include a varied diet and premium water quality. You can do a little further research to confirm it, I'm kind of spit-balling it but it sounds most likely that's what they have.

Its good that you're aware of putting dry hands into the tank. I don't think this partictular disease is contagious to humans (THINK so not KNOW so) and so I wouldn't worry too much unless you have open wounds you're putting into the water or drinking the fish water lol. Try to get your hands to be less dried out so that cracks don't occur and therefor let the water into your system just to be on the safe side. And yes, I'm sure its freaky seeing a faceless fish :eek: so sorry for your loss...hopefully it won't spread.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Interesting about the disease hole in the head. I wonder if the loach had it prior to moving into my tank. I got my loaches from petsmart. I would like to think that my water quality is premium or pretty close since I do weekly water changes (25% - 50%) and I don't overfed (I don't think....the loaches usually catch the food that's fallen to the bottom). I think my fish are getting a varied diet, it's a mixture of fish flakes and blood worms although they get the flakes more often than blood worms.

When I research the disease it said nothing about humans being able to catch it so that's good. Although I'm still paranoid because who knows maybe I have tiny open wounds that I can't see....anyways my mind can make up with a variety unhappy images for myself!! But now I'm giving myself a reality check and move on!!

Feb 27, 2009
It doesn't sound like Freshwater Head and Lateral Line Erosion (FHLLE), more commonly called Hole In The Head Disease to me, based on your description.

There is not a lot of definative answers as to what causes that disease, but those fish that avoid it have a good, varied diet and good water conditions.

It sounds like an injury to the loach. The mysterious 'white dot' may have caused him to rub on things to get it off and caused a horrid injury. I've seen that happen with saltwater eels. Their body shape allows them to get into the oddest places and can get injured more easily than other fish at times.

Is there anything sharp in the tank (rocks, driftwood)? It doesn't take much with those little guys.

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Medium Fish
Jun 11, 2010
It also sounds like the poor little guy got it before coming home. With a good diet and good water quality, its unlikely he contracted it in your tank.

It is possible it was an injury as well, so maybe you don't need to get freaked out about getting an awful disease. Don't sweat it, it's really rare for that to happen anyways. All I'm saying is just stay cautious.

The mysterious 'white dot' may have caused him to rub on things to get it off and caused a horrid injury.
What would this "dot" be?