RO/DI Questions


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
I am looking into two different RO/DI units which are basically the same ...the only difference is one is 50G a day, and 75G a day.... and one has a large holding tank... I think it is a holding tank but am not sure.
Q1: What is the tank for?
Q2: Is there a difference between 50 or 75G a day? (yes I know one is more water than the other:))
They are both about $125 and are 4 stage units....

I posted this question on RC and all I got was an assumption of what it is for... I hate that site everytime I go there.....


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
The tank is meant to be used with a small faucet so a supply is always available. These units with the tank are more intended for use as drinking water. But the one I have had one and it works fine. Check ebay. You can find 100 gpd for about the same price. If your water pressure is sub par none of them will perform as advertised.