RO/DI questions


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
OK, today I just got my 6 stage unit and it's all hooked up.
I went through and flushed the prefilters of all charcoal/sediment for about 10 minutes... then I rehooked it up for regular flow through the whole unit. It has been running for about 20 minutes to flush it all.

Question 1: The ball valve for the flushing side of the RO membrane is in the closed position but yet there is still water going through... is that OK or is it supposed to force all the water through the RO membrane? It isn't near as much as when the valve is open but still at least half the open valve flow.

Question 2: My TDS readings are the same from the tap as the outlet of the unit.... Should I wait a bit longer for it to "flush" out?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
A: you don't have something hooked up right. B: you may be reading what is comming out in flush mode. Recheck all instructions and make sure everything is hooked up right. Your post RO tds should be reading 3-4 ppm.


Large Fish
Nov 4, 2006
lol... no I am not reading from the flush side :) I am a little smarter than the average bear... most of the time he he he he he

OK, I worked 12 hours and then came home to get this hooked up. Yes very tired.....
Everything is done correctly with no leaks but there was one oversight.... a RO/DI needs to have a RO membrane in it for it to work.... all other filters were installed except for the RO membrane... I bought this unit with an extra set of filters..... well an extra set except for the RO membrane.... so the oversight is that I assumed it had ALL filters in place...
Now I have been getting gruff from the wife... feel free to chime in and "roast" me :) :) :)