RO/DI Water :Rant:

Jul 12, 2007
Where else?
I don't really understand something here. Today, I saw someone buy a large RO/DI system for their 5.5 gallon nano at my LFS. Ran him $280. What was the point of this? Hes barely going to use 3 gallons a month anyway? I mean if you have a large system, then it doesn't bother me at all.
I know the water has its pros and cons, but all that just for a nano? I'm not even sure that I would even use RODI water just because of the price of the stuff. Thire are some places in the US that all you have to do is add some tap water stuff and you can have a perfect aquarium w/ healthy coral (and I think that NYC is one of them).
Let me know if I'm wrong on this one:
We take the majority of all sw fish from the ocean. Its 2008. Is the ocean water really as pure as rodi water? after all the oil, garbage, and pollution that we dump into the oceans?


Large Fish
Jun 11, 2008
I was fortunate enough to buy a house with an RO on the sink. :) You do make a good point, and I would say it is unreasonable to get one for a 3G, but maybe he's just playing it safe, or has loads of money.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
do u kno that this person isnt planning an upgrade? how often are they doing water changes? i admit $280 is a bit pricey but i would still say it a good idea if theyv got the money to spend. the ocean doesnt have ro lol but everything is way more diluted than it is in our tank, u really cant compare the 2!


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I just buy it at local Bashas grocery store .89 a gallon. Once I get a bigger reef tank though I'll definitely invest in a system. Also your Aquapod won't need to be topped off that much with the closed lid (if you have the stock hood). If it's like mine I probably only need a 1/4 gal a week in top off.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
and if he is like me he could use it for drinking water too.... I am on a well and the water that comes from the tap isn't suitable for a swimming pool much less an aquarium....

Oh you lucky dogs that can take it from the tap....


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
yea i got mine for $100 with dual outputs one for drinking water (goes through an extra stage to improve taste) and one for the aquarium ;) and just think no more lugging those 5g jugs around


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I only paid $100 for mine, and it has paid for itself already and we don't even have the tank running! We have an extra faucet on the sink now for it, and hubby drinks that most of the time so it cuts down on the bottled water (our water is nasty).

We have an RO system (which we got free cuz someone down the street was throwing it out!) Unfortunately, it's farther away from my tank than the bathroom that contains the tap. So I have to drag a 5g from one end of the house to the I mostly use tap.

We use the RO water as drinking water. No more trips to "water and ice" to spend useless money on THEIR RO water. :D It tastes a little different, but it works.

Aug 24, 2008
mid usa
using my limited experience but common sense, ive come to the concusion that fish stores as well as equipment manufactuers are trying to prey on the aquarist. they do this easily becase of the compexity of the reef hobby. there is definitly more that we dont understand about this than what we do. so my suggestion is save money using do it yourself projects. i made my skimmer it took a little reading and alittle adjusting but i works great. my next project is a sump which will save me a bundle. so do it your self whenever possible and save that money for live rock, coral, fish, etc. your gonna need the extra money belive me.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
I'm not sure there is a DIY for RO/DI systems. And at the 100 dollar price tag that can be found on the links and on ebay. It would seem to me to not be worth all the trouble just to save a few bucks.


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
I bought the purewaterclub RO/DI system. I got it off Ebay for $65 for the 100gpd 6 stage dual DI filter. Works as advertised. I know just filling up my 75 gallon and a few gallons of top off in my other tanks last week pretty much payed for it since DI is 89 cents a gallon at the grocery store I was buying it at.