OK, so first off DI is not rated for potable water, bacteria *can* grow on the resin. So yes you want to tap off the line before it for your drinking water and lead that to your pressure/storage tank and valve. You'll also need a check valve (pressure rated and made for RO systems) after the Tee and before the DI stage.
As to using the water for your tanks. I wouldn't use either RO or DI or RO/DI as your sole source if at all... Unless it's going to be for SW. The main advantage to using it is being able to make your water from "scratch" so to speak. So yes you need to add some minerals back to the water, how much depends on what you are (or plan to) keep. Using "pure" water is just asking for problems
. It has absolutely no buffering capacity, so little in fact that even just atmospheric CO2 can drop the pH SUBSTANTIALY. Last time I calibrated my pH probe the DI water I was using for the rinse read around 5.5 (or in that neighborhood anyway... didn't pay that close attention lol).
Basically if you are keeping some of the more basic fish (or even some more advanced fish) it's much easier just to use tap water if you can. On the other hand if you want to breed some of the more difficult species (tetras, discus, some rare gourami's) or keep sensative wild caught fish, it *may* be worth looking into furthur.
Now, one thing RO/DI is AWESOME for right out of the unit is Evap top up. Because there is no minerals in it, you aren't concentrating the disolved solids when you add tap water. But how much that even matters is open to debate and IMO the answer varies from application to application.
Hope that helps even a little.