Road Trip


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
The wife and I took a road trip over to Mobile yesterday to look at a a tank owned by a man in a local forum. Its the first time I have seen a tank like this in person, not just pics on line, Awesome is all I can say. It is a 250g mixed reef tank with just about every kind of coral out there, maybe to many corals. He had corals behind corals behind corals, you really had to look to see all of them. He had SPS corals so big they were toching the front and sides of the tank and they were plating to the glass. I was going to ask him why he didn't frag some of the corals, but the answer was apparent, he had no place for the frags. He had a 20g and a 40g frag tank that had no more room for even one more frag. Anyway, it was an awesome tank, and I was really impressed. He told me when I was ready he would make me a deal on a frag pack to get me started. He was using something that I wanted to get your thoughs on though, never heard of it. He had a piece of equipment he was using, looked like a Kalk Stirrer with out the stirrer, he was using it like a reactor. What he was using was a pebble type stuff in the reactor and he said it was supposed to help reduce Nitrates in the tank. Anyone ever heard of this ( I am sure some of you have) and does it work??


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
as far as seeing insane tanks in person im a member of one of the largest and oldest reef clubs and once a year they do a tank hop of all of these crazy setups... ive never been able to make it to the "hop" for one reason or another but ive seen ALOT of these tanks in person and its crazy... the former president of the club had a 360g full blown sps tank with a clown trigger and and all these crazy angels and stuff you normally dont see in a reef tank until the tank busted one day and 360g of water ended up in the livingroom! he got a new 360g and it doesnt have those crazy fish anymore but still some sick huge sps colonies. one kid i get frags from has 6 65g frags tank in his garage and another 3 or 4 crazy display tanks in the house with corals behind corals like you said! i would say 75% of the corals in my tank came from that kids house! :p


Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Living in the desert must make people crazy for fish tanks. We have a thriving reef scene here. I've seen so many nice big tanks at various people's houses. We had our monthly frag meet last Saturday and there was probably 60 people there and a ton of coral to buy.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I found out what it is he is using. Its sold by Fosters & Smith and its made by Kent Marine. Its called, Kent Marine Nitrate Sponge. I would post the link, but ever since I updated my AOL, I can't seem to drag the link. When I try the link dosn't post, what does post is: About Blank : Havn't a clue whats thats all about.