rookie in 1st month


Medium Fish
Mar 13, 2003
los angeles
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I got a 10g tank(5weeks) and my ammonia and nitrite levels are peaking. Maybe I'll see stabilization soon *celebrate :rolleyes:
I got 2 gold goramies,a red dwarf gourami,a red-tail shark,pleco and a betta. I will soon move the betta to another tank(subjected to fin nippin). I believe I overstock my Aquarium too soon:confused:
I got a biowheel.Any suggestions will be appreciated


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
ok lets start:gold gourami get too big and are fiesty as tail shark is another badguy as soon as it gets big enough to bully. betta shouldn't even be with these fish.10 gallons is a small tank any way you look at it,so the pleco will have to go soon as well if it isn't too big already.not trying to give you a hard time but these are the common things you will hear untill you get the hang of best bet is to start saving for a 20-30 gal. and pick up a good book.a book can be your best friend in this may be able to ask us anything but we don't always reply.a good book is always waiting for your next question.good luck


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
I, fortunately, began with a semistocked 50 gal from a friend. I agree that a 10 gal does almost nothing. Plecos can get 14" + inches long. Gouramis I would think prefer more space than that. Good website for fish info is and The first one gives gal. recommendations. Get a larger tank or smaller type fish. Easy mistakes to make. I bought a beautiful leporinus fasciatus not knowing he can get VERY large eventually but will maintain him in my 30 gal as long as it makes sense. Good luck.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
A 10 gallon is a very limiting tank to begin with. Wonderful things can be done with them, but if you are anything like most people was when they set there first 10 gallon up, you want just about every fish in the store and then some. This is a normal reaction! As the old saying goes, the bigger the tank, the better. Before you know it, you will either have your tank seriously overstocked, and no where to put anymore fish, much less the fish you already have. I would deffinatly get a larger tank as soon as you can afford it. You can keep bigger fish in a larger tank, more species, and the water conditions are somewhat easier to control in a larger tank.

But dont totaly give up on the 10 gal. Wonderful things can be done with a 10 if you have the patients for it. One that I might sugest is making it into a live plant tank. These can be a very rewarding tank to own, and only have to be as expensive as you want to make it.

Something else you might do is turn it into a species tank, holding mabey some dwarf cichlids.

A 10 can be limiting, but there are still many options open to you and your fish. Gool Luck!