room for 1 more?

Oct 22, 2002
Hello again, my 20 gal. long consists of 4 beautiful guoramis( 2 dwarfs and 2 fire red dawrfs) 4 cory's and a 3 in. bala ( dont worry, i know it will get bigger but ill deal with that when i have to). I know its an inch a gallon. im going to give my bala 2 extra inches and say hes 5 inches for saftey, plus 5inches for my corys, and i will average the gouramis to about 7 inches. that leaves my with 3 " spare" gallons. I dont want an amonia problem and i deffinetly dont want my tank to be overcrowded. Any thoughts? Fish or invertebrate( excluding snails .. no thanks) ideas are appreciated.

Also, whould it be smart to add a shrimp or 2?

Oct 22, 2002
In a world of my own...
If you decide to go the fish route, a Blue Ram would make a nice looking addition to your tank.  I dunno much about invertabrates, but I'm pretty sure that most are scavengers and will help keep things clean.  I've been looking for some Red crabs or Red Claw Crabs for my tank.  They stay pretty small, although I dunno how much they try to escape.  Here's a site with some info on invertabrates.