Hello again, my 20 gal. long consists of 4 beautiful guoramis( 2 dwarfs and 2 fire red dawrfs) 4 cory's and a 3 in. bala ( dont worry, i know it will get bigger but ill deal with that when i have to). I know its an inch a gallon. im going to give my bala 2 extra inches and say hes 5 inches for saftey, plus 5inches for my corys, and i will average the gouramis to about 7 inches. that leaves my with 3 " spare" gallons. I dont want an amonia problem and i deffinetly dont want my tank to be overcrowded. Any thoughts? Fish or invertebrate( excluding snails .. no thanks) ideas are appreciated.
Also, whould it be smart to add a shrimp or 2?
Also, whould it be smart to add a shrimp or 2?