Rose Anemone problem


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
My anemone's behavior has changed over the last three weeks from the norm. Let me say up front on the good side, as far as I know its eating, the M. Clowns feed it and I haven't saw it drop the food. Sometimes it will hold the food for along time and then drop it and then the shrimp and snails will grab it, but I haven't seen this happen, that dosn't meant its not happening, he stays in a cave and I can't see all of him back up in there. I figure one of two things are going on, either its sick or it maybe splitting ( don't know the behavior of the Ann. when they split so I don't know about that) I have only done two things to the tank when its behavior started to change, I moved some LR around in the tank but I didn't mess with the LR around the Ann. core area, didnt want to upset it, and the second thing as ya'll know I have been doing alot of water changes.
I will give you a run down of the life in a day of my Ann. tell you what the norm is and what its doing now.
The MH lights go off in the evening and T5 come on, the Ann. starts to close up, its still doing this. In the morning my blue T5s come on and the Ann. starts to open up out of its sock, still doing this. The white T5s come on, it spreds open alittle more and the tentacles start to get longer to about, say 4 inches long, thats the norm, now they are only growing to about an inch long. The longer the T5s stay on the tentacles grow to about say, 5 to 6 inches long, norm, they are staying short now. When the MH lights come on, the Ann. starts to come out from under its rock where it stays and by the end of the MH light cycle it will be compleatly out from under its rock on the front face of the rock spread out to its max size and tentacle will be at their max, say 7 to 8 inches long. Thats the norm, what its doing now is to start to move like its going to come out but only makes it to the front underside of the cave it stays in, dosn't start to come up the front outside of the rock. I don't have a clue as to what is going on with it, but after three weeks I am getting concerned. I have another Ann. in the tank, if you recll, the small one I bought on line that the clowns almost killed. Its on a piece of LR about 6 inches above the big Ann. its doing great. The info on the sm Ann. most likely dosn't mean anything as far as the big Ann. goes but I thought I would offer you that info also. Anybody have a clue?


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I talked to the man today who I got my Ann. from, he has several in his three tanks. He told me to check on two things. He said to check on my salinty level in the tank and the water temp. He said they like warmer water and that my with all the water changes I have been doing the temp. may have dropped a bit and that my salinty level maybe off a tad, he said they seen to like a bit saltier water. I will check those things tonight.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
how is the nems color? It should be a deep rose red almost orange without any hint of white or pink. It sounds like you need to feed it a bit. Try giving it a half of a thawed silverside every other week or so. Most important with anemone care is stability they don't like wide variations on their parameters. It could just be the large number of water changes that you were doing. Make sure when you do changes that the water you are changing is the exact parameters of the water you are to temp, sg, alk & ph. otherwise the expanding and contracting behaviours are perfectly normal, though it should be expanding like it used to.....


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
I think its the water changes, I am planning one more water change and then its back to one weekly water change. The ann. color looks good, and I am sure its not being under fed, over fed is more likely. It eats the best seafood that our local fish store has to offer. I was going to go back to one weekly water change after the change last nite, but I will tell ya'll what went wrong with last nights fiasco, at another time.


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Well, after about 3 or 4 weeks of my nem not acting normal, I picked up the rock my nem was under to see what was going on, its splitting and is about 80% split. I was really worried about it and thought it might be splitting, but everyone around here said that they uesely split over nite not taking 3 or 4 weeks like mine did to split. Anyways alls good.