rosey barbs


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Im going to be getting some rosey barbs two questions. 1 is there a minimum number i should get should i get male female 2 what are some good tankmates of them


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What size tank do you have?

If you have a large enough one, get at least a trio of one male (the actual red "rosey" colored ones) and two females (yellow golden colored ones). The more the merrier, and have the females outnumber the males 2/1.  Rosey barbs aren't the fin-nippers some of their cousins like tigers or tinfoils are, but they are a highly active schooling fish so should be given ample accomodations.  A m/f pair could do okay in a ten gallon provided it isn't overstocked.

Tankmates for rosey barbs should be other actively swimming fish of approximately the same size. Livebearers are okay, bala sharks, silver dollars, danios, congo tetras, bueno aries tetras, plecos just to name a few.

But tank size is of the utmost importance when considering tankmates and quantity, so without knowing that, I can't really give you further advice.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yes I agree rosys are very active.
I had 6 males and one female. They all looked the same when I purchased them. They were all lacking color. But when I got them happy, the males are stunning.

If you can keep them even in male-female. After water changes, it was everymale chasing the female. But they stopped after a bit.

Again agreed on tank size for how many. They need some good swimming room, and mine before I got rid of them were over 4 inches. So keep that in mind.

I also don't recommend them with some plants. Anything fragile they will tear apart. Swords and such they dont touch.

They also never touched or nipped another fish.

There is also long finned as well, which I don't know about. *twirlysmiley*


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Longed finned Rosey Barbs are really pretty as well. They look and act just like a regular rosey barb, they just have longer fins is all, and the males do get black tips on the fins that are really striking contrast to their overall color. There are also some called Neon Rosey barbs. I find it harder to tell male/female differance on the Neons because the color seems to overlap red on gold and shimmer, and not show much differance between male and female, but I'm sure there is one. Probably just have to really stare at them long enough, but rule of thumb is, the male rosey barb is going to be much-much-much prettier.

Males and females do look a whole awful lot alike as juvies, the males don't get their bright red color until they're in breeding condition. Then it is really easy to tell them apart. They aren't aggressive really towards each other, but I always just feel better to play it on the safe side and out number females to males to avoid any mate/territory disputes.