What size tank do you have?
If you have a large enough one, get at least a trio of one male (the actual red "rosey" colored ones) and two females (yellow golden colored ones). The more the merrier, and have the females outnumber the males 2/1. Rosey barbs aren't the fin-nippers some of their cousins like tigers or tinfoils are, but they are a highly active schooling fish so should be given ample accomodations. A m/f pair could do okay in a ten gallon provided it isn't overstocked.
Tankmates for rosey barbs should be other actively swimming fish of approximately the same size. Livebearers are okay, bala sharks, silver dollars, danios, congo tetras, bueno aries tetras, plecos just to name a few.
But tank size is of the utmost importance when considering tankmates and quantity, so without knowing that, I can't really give you further advice.