Royal feeding

Mar 4, 2006
I have a 6 inch Royal Pleco and I have gotten conflicting advice on how best to feed them. I have been told 1)the they will be fine scavenging (which I am pretty sure is not true), 2) a green diet only, veggies and algae, and 3) that their diet should be supplemented with both veggies and sinking pellets. I have also been told that they do not need wood in the tank (which I have but want to know regardless). I am pretty much confused at this point. Any help would be appreciated.

I recently lost my Vampire Pleco after having it for about 5 years. Wanted to try something different so I went with the Royal. Any idea if they are similar in their eating habits?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
The L007 'Vampire" Is omnivorous, so is the Royal to an extent. Wood is most certainly needed in the royals diet. They are Panaques, a wood eating species.

When fist introduced from the wild royals may refuse to eat. Some to the point of starving themselves to death. If the tummy is sunken in AT ALL immediate action must be taken. Keeping it in a tank with out any other boisterous tank mates as well as no other bottom feeders should help. Also increasing water movement and adding a large airstone can help.

Once acclimated and eating it will eat pretty much what ever you put in the tank, but vegetable based foods along with wood should be the base of the diet.

A large cave for shelter is also a must if you ever want to get it to calm down.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I'd describe the royal as decidedly herbivorous. I'd go for a high veg diet, with wood an essential (read essential) to provide kignin i believe for the stomach.
The main point I would make is big plecs are substantial fish, that need substantial amounts of food. Scavenging certainly won't be adequate, and neither will a few pellets - you need decent sized lumps of potato and so on.

A high percentage of imported fancy plecs die of starvation over a few weeks to a few months. Don't contribute to these statistics

Mar 4, 2006
Thanks for the replies

They were helpful. I know that this fellow was in the store for about a year, so he should be used to tank life. I have the wood and cave and I will post again if I have any issues. There will be plenty of food as long as he takes it. I have no intention of letting him starve to death if I can help it. I have had pretty good luck with fancy plecs. I had a Zebra Plec for several years and had to give him to a pet store when I moved. Then I had the Vampire for about 5 years. Hopefully I will have this one for longer. Thanks again.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
No problem. Do keep in mind that at 8 inches this guy is going to have 2 times the biomass the vampire had. The thickest part of the body, an inch or so past the eyes near the dorsal will be about the size of a soft ball. Good filtration is a must when keeping one of these. Not to mention the tank should be decorated "for" the fish not just what you think looks good. they need plenty of open space on the bottom of the tank, as it will rarely leave the gravel bed. They do hang on glass but IME only when stressed.

Good luck, keep us updated and welcome to the site.

Oh yeah just in case you were wondering about the truth to the wood eating tendency of this fish.:D