rubber lipped pleco turning greenish-yellow help!!!

Jan 28, 2007
we've had our wonderful little rubber-lipped pleco for a couple of months now... recently we changed the type of fish we had in our tank, from gouramis to tetras (pretty agressive buenos aries tetras), and we've noticed that our "lippy" has started to turn from it's original pinkish white with grey flecks to more of a greenish-yellow. we've started to change the water, but to no avail. it doesn't appear sick though... it's still doing it's normal agressive cleaning in the night. could it be stress? the tetras do not attack him, but dart around quite a bit and we wonder if it has been too startling for him (since the gouramis weren't that speedy)...

thanks in advance of your help...


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Welcome to the site. :)

I'm having a hard time working out what color changes he's having, and what color he's supposed to be. The one I have is an olive brown color, but there are several different species called rubberlip. Has he gotten darker or lighter?


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
Hey, sorry I'm not of much help here, but one of my "rubberlip" plecos is having some color deformity issues as well, check out my post in the disease forum (look for Dark Splotches in the subject line). Maybe there is some connection to these plecos and changing color? The pic in my thread is from a few days ago and he's not as splotchy now, but his head is still splotchy and his entire body seems to be darkening... it's odd to say the least.