Anyone ever have one of these, I purchased one yesterday and it seemed a bit thin, and it just stayed on the glass, I dropped a couple of algae tablets in but in the morning it was dead. Anyone ever have one of these?
for future reference, if the fish isnt eating dont continue to put food for it in, youll just raise the ammonia and make it wore the the fish, do you acclimate your fish before adding them? if so what do you do and how long do you allow
I was adding food for everyone in the tank, I have a common pleco and a farlowella too. I usually acclimate new fish for about 20 - 25 mins. I bought some clown loaches at the same time and those buggers are doing fine. I found out that the rubber plecos were just shipped in, he didn't want to give me a new one for a while to just make sure that they all are doing ok.
i had one for like a couple months b4 it died(freaky death too stuck in a clump of thread algae) anyways mine always hid didn't come out till lighs out and very very shy, make sure they get alot of places to hide and never saw it ate except once when lights were out it was moving around the glass lways had a full tummy so either been feeding off the algae or some of my plants i got in there haven't been able to find anymore of these guys :-(