ruby barbs


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
In my fish tank i have some ruby barbs and some iredecent sharks and the barbs are only the size of a tetra but they keep on biteing my sharks and now i have had to remove my sharks and put them in a small tank but here is my question is teir any fish that i could put in with them to keep them from fighting act like a mediator i gess well if you have any ideas let me know please.


Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have about 11 Ruby Barbs, 2 are female, the rest are male. If you don't keep enough males, they will tend to pick on other fish, rather than with their own.

I had one still, that picked at my irredesant sharks, but now doesn't. Give them someone of their own kind to pick at. also, mine pick at plants as well, which is less picking on my sharks.

keep at least 6, but if you can more would be better.

I had a red-tail shark, that loved to chase all my Rubys, more so during feeding time.
He basically acted as a moderator of the tank.