anyone hear of the Ruby Crown cichlid?
sci name = Papilochromis Altispinosum (? i think ?)
I guess when I bought what I was told was a Bolivian Ram turns out to be a Ruby Crown...
Since I like to gather all the info I can on the fish that I have I went to the internet but couldnt find much of anything on the Ruby Crown...
I saw one of the at a LFS near where I work and I pointed it out and said
me: "I see you have a Bolivian Ram"
LFS: "no, that is a Ruby Red, over here is the Bolivian Ram"
me: "ok, look similiar"
LFS: "yes, they could be considered cousins, but the Bolivian Ram stays a bit smaller than the Ruby Red"
So I guess the one I have is a Ruby Red, gotta go back and get one of their Bolivian Rams now...
sci name = Papilochromis Altispinosum (? i think ?)
I guess when I bought what I was told was a Bolivian Ram turns out to be a Ruby Crown...
Since I like to gather all the info I can on the fish that I have I went to the internet but couldnt find much of anything on the Ruby Crown...
I saw one of the at a LFS near where I work and I pointed it out and said
me: "I see you have a Bolivian Ram"
LFS: "no, that is a Ruby Red, over here is the Bolivian Ram"
me: "ok, look similiar"
LFS: "yes, they could be considered cousins, but the Bolivian Ram stays a bit smaller than the Ruby Red"
So I guess the one I have is a Ruby Red, gotta go back and get one of their Bolivian Rams now...
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