Ruby Crown


Large Fish
Aug 17, 2003
anyone hear of the Ruby Crown cichlid?

sci name = Papilochromis Altispinosum (? i think ?)

I guess when I bought what I was told was a Bolivian Ram turns out to be a Ruby Crown...

Since I like to gather all the info I can on the fish that I have I went to the internet but couldnt find much of anything on the Ruby Crown...

I saw one of the at a LFS near where I work and I pointed it out and said

me: "I see you have a Bolivian Ram"

LFS: "no, that is a Ruby Red, over here is the Bolivian Ram"

me: "ok, look similiar"

LFS: "yes, they could be considered cousins, but the Bolivian Ram stays a bit smaller than the Ruby Red"

So I guess the one I have is a Ruby Red, gotta go back and get one of their Bolivian Rams now...

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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Not all bolivian rams are the same...

There are some regional variances (ie originated in different streams/rivers/ponds) Rams can also be interbred, in which case scientific/common names are no longer applicable. Just off the top of my head - there are 4 different kinds of rams - 2 bolivians (single and double spot), blue's (German, Czech and others), Goldens. And I've seen hybrids of many showing up...

I'll post some pics of my bolivian rams - I believe a hybrid of 1 and 2 spot parents. Color is way off my appologies. They get stressed when I take pictures too - so you may notice some stress 'darkening'.



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Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
There are 3 types of rams - Microgeophagus ramirizei , with colour morphs ram, golden ram, german ram , blue ram. There are altispinosa - Bolivian, ruby, whatever, and there is a 3rd species I've only seen photos of and that is only rarely imported from peru (once, twice ever, not bred). Microgeophagus used to becalled the genus Papilochromis I believe.