It was a long battle, and unfortunately, very hard on the soul, but today it finally happened. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer has passed. He is survived by his mate "Rain" who was the original veil tailed angel, and Rudolph was the lucky prospect who paired up with her out of a group of 6. It was caused by Head in Hole disease, which I thought I might actually have licked, but it appears during his recuperation, he didn't make it. I medicated the tank, with Rudolph and Rain in it, I think the final cause was lack of eating, as I never saw Rudolph eat for around a month or so, though in the last few days when his treatment was done, Rudolph appeared to have developed an appetite again, just a very small one. I buried him in my backyard, and now we must decide what to do with Rain, and the tank. I would like to get Rain a new Mate, but this can be tricky, as I'll have to add several angels to the tank, and hope one pairs up with him specificially. All I know is for right now, I'm very sad, and very upset over the loss. I just thought I would let you guys know, several of you helped me on identifying, and treating the problem, and fortunately, Rain was spared.
May 22/2006
Rudoplh the Red Nosed Reindeer
May 22/2006
Rudoplh the Red Nosed Reindeer