Rummy-Nose epidemic?


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2003
Eastern MA
Since about a month ago when we picked up our first rummies for my 20 gallon tank, getting any more was near impossible. Every LFS we called was either out or not selling them because they were diseased.

Knowing this, you would think it would have made me cautious... If only I was that smart. During a recent trip to the LFS, looking to buy oto cats, we noticed that they finally had a big stock of rummies. Feeling overjoyed that someone finally had them, and also feeling sad for the small few that were in the tank, we jumped and bought an addition for the school.

Well, naturally a day later they were covered with ich. We've already lost one due to massive cysts destroying the tail area. But I guess my question is this:

Has anyone else tried to get Rummy-Nose tetras recently and found the stock to be depleted or diseased? The widespread nature of the shortage makes me think that some big breeder or another must be having major issues.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
I haven't tried to get any, although did look at some. The store owner wouldn't let us buy them tho, he wanted to wait until he'd had them a few days, to make sure they wouldn't die asap on us. Rummy nosed tetras, are almost as if not more flakey then neon tetras. Once you get a few to live, they will live for years, but it takes a while. Called Crummy-nosed tetras in the buisness, it's not a suprise that you had a hard time finding them. I can only get them at one store, and he will not sell them to anyone until he's had them atleast a week, to quarentine, and make sure all the dyers are going out. Once you've gotten through all the weak ones, they live forevr. That particular store had a display tank with some of the biggest rummy-noses I have ever seen. He told me they were all atleats 6 years old. Good luck with them. I know there one of my favs...


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2003
Eastern MA
Heh, crummy-nose. As you can tell from my avatar, I'm quite fond of them as well, but I can't help but see the humor of that. :) I'd definitely like to pick up a quarentine tank of my own, but my funds and apartment space are kind of thin as it is. As for rummy life-span and size... I was impressed recently as well. Saw a few in a Amazon river tank at the Boston aquarium. They were huge! Easily 2" and plump.