rummy noses noses!


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
i have a couple of rummy nosed tetras and their noses are always glowing bright red, granted when i 1st got them there were some problems and the red on the noses totally dissapeared but it was always something simple like ph. Literally 5 mins after adding ph down they were glowing again!

hardly ever need to test their tank anymore because they tell me if somethin is wrong!!

My point is in most the pictures i find of them online the noses are not red at all!! They really can't be happy fish so why show them off??!

Anybody else keep these beautiful fish?? they are my fav at mo!!


Large Fish
Jun 4, 2009
I have kept these fish and have also observed that their noses are often a indicator that all is well ,or that something is amiss. Have also observed that bright light often will cause noses to become dull ,such as when lights over the tank are turned on of a morning. Could be that in order to get good photos, the lighting was increased perhaps not to their liking. Have also witnessed same thing right after water changes.
Have had zero success with pH up or down products due to buffering capacity of my water and have found that they caused fluctuations in pH that could possibly have negative affect on fish.