Rust-Colored Bloom


Small Fish
Aug 12, 2006
Hello friends,

I am still new to fishtanks and I have what appears to be an algae bloom.
It is rust-colored and is a dusting on all of the the plants and rocks. It is spreading but very slowly.

It is a 20 gal high tank with 3 julii cories and 3 tiger barbs.

Water testing shows no measurable ammonia, no measurable nitrite, and nitrate at 10ppm. Water temp is about 74F.

I was wondering if it is in fact an algae, and if the addition of a few ottos would fix it. If not, are there any other suggestions.

Thanks in advance.


Sep 11, 2005
Probably just good old brown algae. It is usually the first to appear in a new tank and isn't much of a worry at all. Often it will go away on its own. It's easily removed manually, and otos will readily eat it.

I have or have had this stuff in pretty much every tank. It's no worry at all.

If you don't have live plants a week of blackout will make it disappear.

But other than that, I wouldn't even give it a second thought.