Ryanoh's Random Thoughts


Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
I had a lot of small thoughts and questions but I didn't really want to start a thread for each one, so here goes...

I had two loaches, and one died. I now have one left, and I know that loaches are fish that need other loach friends. I still one have one because a) the lfs hasn't got any new loaches, and b) I'm a little afraid to get one after researching loaches and diseases a little more.
Despite all that, I feel like my loach still has a friend:

He is constantly hanging out with my whiptail, and its pretty much the coolest thing I've ever seen. Humans could learn a lesson from this very open-minded fish.

I recently built a DIY wet dry filter out of a rubbermaid box and I have it running off a powerhead. I was looking at some stuff on aqadvisor the other day, and I realized I have no idea how to input a DIY project into that site

Also, because my wet-dry box is more horizontal than it is vertical, I'm having a lot of evaporation. Is there any easy way to reduce this? I'm losing like an inch of water a week, which, if my math is right, is somewhere around 4 gallons of water. My math is probably wrong.

In my fry grow out tank I've realized that over 90% of my fry (guppies and platies) are females. I know that all aligator eggs are born with no sex, then the temperature of the eggs during incubation determines the sex before the egg hatches. Is something similar going on with my fish? Does temperature effect gender?

I'm thinking about maybe someday upgrading from my 40 gallon to a 65 gallon. The tank has the same footprint, its just a little taller. Do you think the stand I built would hold it? Is there really a difference in what fish you can keep in a 40 breeder versus a 65?

Dark window tint works great if you want an easy way to "paint" the back of your tank black. They sell DIY peel and stick kits for like 10 dollars, and you can even save more money by mixing a drop of baby shampoo into a squirt bottle instead of buying their Application Fluid.

Yeah, that's it for now. I guess feel free to add to this thread with anything else that crosses your mind?


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a program where you could plug in the size of your tank and have your monitor become your tank. Then you would add the number of each fish you want and they would appear in your “tank” moving with all their natural characteristics. You would know which ones moved a lot, which ones stayed hidden most of the day, which tended to be territorial, etc. You would be able to visualize the space certain fish need - like trying to put 6 mollies in a 10 gallon tank. I am sure this could be done, it would just have to use a lot of species, but it probably isn’t too unlike how they program computer games.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have used Plexiglas mirror on the back of two of my community tanks. It has been there a year now with various fish including bettas with no problems. I had one molly that I thought was obsessed with it for a day, but after that he didn't bother. I personally like the effect, but will admit it makes counting neons difficult. lol

Jan 6, 2009
Western Australia
in regards to the fry, my platy fry all seemed to be female and i named them accordingly haha and when they got older some ended up males! Maybe thats why yours all appear to be females if they are still young? Oh and i read that alot of people who have bred livebearers, the fry seemed to appear all females untill about 3 months then they could tell the males appart. One of my platy fry was about 4 months and she ended up being a he weird!!! good old lickety splitz lol

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Large Fish
Mar 22, 2010
Yes, they are pretty young. I notice today that a lot of the ones I thought were just younger are actually small males. Its a bit easier to tell with the guppies than with the platies because they tails are so obvious lol.