I'm pretty new to aquarism, and am the proud owner of 3 male bettas. I started with one, and they sort of grew on me. :3 The first one I bought isn't doing so well, however. He lived for a good while in this tiny glass bowl before I bought him, and I gave him a 2.5G tank of his own a few days after I brought him home. A few months down the line, I bought another fish and housed them in the same tank (a "2.5G All-glass mini-bow" with a divider, of course). They flared and had a jolly time, and everybody was happy. Then my first fish (Hoku) suddenly couldn't swim quite right...I determined it was SBD, and tried the peas and fasting, the salt, the blah blah blah (I've been on a LOT of forums lately). It never went away. He seemed fine enough, still ate like a little pig and everything, just was a floater. Then he got really sick. He became lethargic and just anchored under some plants and sat there all day. Then I noticed his tail fin was dark and shredded-looking at the ends...what every forum told me was fin-rot. So I moved him to a 2.5G hospital tank earlier this week and have put him on Maracyn 1 and 2, with aquarium salt and water conditioner as always. I've always been meticulous with water temperature and changes...but I also bought some test kits and found that in the original tank, the ammonia was about 4ppm. I've been working to fix that, and now it's down to about .75ppm...but I'm worried about Hoku. The Maracyns have helped the fin-rot it looks like, but now he'll randomly dart around the tank and crash into walls, he was "sitting" at the bottom on his tail fin with his nose pointing up for a long while today, and his gills are discolored...kind of a silvery-gray (he's a royal blue VT). I don't see white patches anywhere on him or the tank, other than slight ammonia levels everything's fine water-wise, it's not velvet or dropsy...I just don't know what to do with this fish any more. I recently purchased a third, who's still in his isolation tank because I'm afraid to introduce him to the main tank before I fix the water. But what should I do for Hoku? Please help!
(Sorry for the novel, but I figured the more info the better.)
(Sorry for the novel, but I figured the more info the better.)