SA cichlid impulse buy...advice needed.

Apr 30, 2004
ON, Canada
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I recently finally got around to setting up my 90 gal aquarium. I had always thought about doing GTs but had never run across any in my LFS. I also fell in love with rainbowfish and intended on stocking a large school of them with other community fish. Prior to my impulse purchase, my 90 gal housed the following:

1 Spotted Raphael
3 Black ruby barbs
3 neon rosey barbs
1 Red tail black shark
3 yoyo loaches

I was at my brand new Petsmart store (I normally buy from an independant FS), and saw a tank with 3 GTs, 2 of which were a breeding pair, eggs in the tank and everything. I couldn't resist and bought all 3. I intend to return one of the 3 once I determine exactly who the pair is. Fish are currently 3-3.5" in size. They have the white colouration on their fins so I'm unsure if it's a true GT or the white/silver saum.

Side bonus: the GTs were $7 CDN each...when I went through checkout she only charged me for one fish. I got 3 GTs for $7.


Who can stay, who must go, now that the GTs are in the neighborhood?

What other new world cichlids might do ok in a 90 gal with a breeding pair of GTs? Sevs, convicts, something else like jewels? What bottom feeder/plecs would be ok?

I have a mottled zebra plec..pretty sure it's an L316 in my 10 gal that I intended to move to the 90 gal...should I rethink this now that the GTs are there?

I'd appreciate any advice you cichlid experts might provide.



Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Lets start off by agreeing that for a pair of medium sized mdium aggressive cichlids, a 90 is a decent sized breeder. I don't think you can get any more cichlids in there, not without a strong, continual risk of aggression to death.

It might be possible for you to keep other fish in there, but if/when the GT's spawn the loaches, sharks, plecs and whatver will be kept pinned in one quarter. Barbs, rainbows will likely stay up and out of trouble.

This is not a smart community buy, but if you want a pair of GT's , well it's a good deal

Apr 30, 2004
ON, Canada
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THanks for the advice. When I bought them I realized it would shift my stocking plans and that i'd need to shuffle/return fish or risk them being killed. I was just curious if any of my current stock could be ok with the GTs and if any more cichlids might work (something like a Sev or a few convicts). In your opinion...Rainbows are still a viable option for an upper/mid tank fish? The 90 is 24" high and with the exception of the lacking activity.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well lets look at this way - cichlids need floor space. Fish that stay up ,like the rainbows and barbs are likely ok, but if the tank is 4 * 2 *2 feet then you'll have a tough time getting any more lower water fish in there.

If it's 5 feet long you have a bit more hope, but it may well go badly. I like to assume a pair will need a tank/territory 8 times the lengh of the parent fish


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Like Wayne said small (fast!) schooling fish that stay in the upper part of the tank should be ok. But pretty much anything in the lower region is a serious risk.

Really once they are full grown you will see that no more fish are needed. The pair will provide plenty to look at in the tank. And in a tank that size they will start to fill out pretty fast. Go away for a week and come back and you will swear someone switched your fish out for summin bigger.

Apr 30, 2004
ON, Canada
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#6 far so good in fishy land...although im sure once the GTs breed again...or if they get bigger...all will be terrorized or killed. I'm in the process of "negotiation" with the better half about upgrading my 10 gal...and combining the peaceful fish from the 10 and 90 together...we are cramped for space though. I'm hoping to convince her to accept a 30 or 40 gallonish tank in place of the 10. That way I can make everyone happy and still keep everyone as well.

When I move everyone I'll still be looking to add either dither fish for the GTs or another SA cichlid. Some have suggested Tinfoil barbs...or in the realm of other cichlids...i've heard Sevs as a possible option. The problem as I see it....the GTs are already 3" and climbing. Most SA tankmates I would find at my local fish store would likely be juvies and would be behind in the growth department which may cause some problems. I suppose I better look at new SA's now or forget about it..unless I can find some grown in fish.

Thanks for the help all.