SA Stocking Ideas

I am going to make my 37g tall a peaceful SA cichlid tank. I currently have 2 types of fish on my mind: Rams and Angelfish. I already know these are compatable and so on..
I want:
4 Rams
2-3 Angelfish

I want more though. Thats why I am here, lol. Would I be able to have a few apistos, how many could I have though? Would it be possible to add any fish other than that?

P.S. It will be some-what planted with wood.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
If you add Apistos with that many rams in your (37g) tank, all hell is going to break loose if they spawn. I wouldn't have more than 2 pair of any one kind of dwarf cichlid in that tank. You may be able to get away with trying all males But even then you may run into territory disputes as the boys mature and start staking out territories. The only way you may get away with it is by having the tank very heavily planted.

For the angels 3 is about all your going to be able to keep in there.

Stick a BN in there for algae control and consider yourself stocked.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Yes you could do that, just do so knowing your pushing the stocking level a lil, Rummys won't put up with poor water quality, so as long as you stick to weekly waterchanges you should be ok.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Instead of getting either 4 rams OR 4 apistos, you could get a pair of each. I was originally planning on getting 4 rams but changed my mind once I got to the lfs and saw the apistos. I got a pair of each and they get along great :)

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Remember this is a tall tank...not long. Rams/apistos usually stay near the bottem. Tall tanks don't have the bottem space like normal tanks do.

Personally i'd only go with a pair of either, and a pair of angels. If 2 angels pair up that odd man out is gonna get beat on. You might get away with 2 pairs of rams or apistos....but idk that i personally wouldn't do it.

And calling any cichlid really peacful would probably be wrong.

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