Sad Betta

I've had my Betta, Clyde, for about 9 months now, and he's been living in a Betta tank. My boyfriend and I recently bought a fish tank and we put him in it until we bought fish. We also had a floating nursery, like they have in the pet store for the Betta's. We bought fish today and Clyde didn't seem too happy about being in a smaller space. I'm just wondering if he'll get over the fact that he's no longer able to swim in the entire tank. I have put rocks and a plant in his little space so he can feel more at home.
I really don't think he can live with our other fish either. We have 3 Tiger Barbs and 2 Red Tail Black Sharks.
I just hope Clyde doesn't stay sad, I like my fish, as well as my other pets, to be happy.

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
What size tank do you have, and how long have you had this newer tank that you introduced him to? I wouldn't recommend letting him loose in that tank if you do decide to, 'cause with two red-tail sharks, they're gonna nip his fins. Tiger barbs aren't going to be very nice to him either, so you could maybe purchase like a 5½ gal tank and put him in that?


Small Fish
Sep 25, 2005
Oregon Twsp., MI
The 5.5 is a great choice. I recently rescued a wayward Betta and put him in the 5.5 with a large garden rock and a couple of fake plants. I think I'll add a school of Neons this week & add some interest to the tank.

No comments from the peanut gallery on the fake plants! They will work until I get to the big city and find some plants that don't look like yesterdays brussel sprouts! *PEACE!*

I'm not sure on the size yet, I got my boyfriend to figure it out last night using the formula I found in other posts. But it's also just temporary, until we can afford a new and bigger tank. He was only in there for 2 days anyways, so it's not like I took him from a permanent home.