Sad Betta


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
At my office we have a little blue betta. In the last couple weeks he just seems to be acting weird. Doesn't look sick or anything. Honestly looks bored. Anyway we were brainstorming (a bunch of girls in my office...that's scary) and decided Cal (betta's name) needs a tankmate or 2. We are going to put him in a 10g. Here is my question. Can I put a couple Mickey Mouse Platies in there with him? They don't have long fins so I didn't think he would hurt them. I have about 25,4 month old red mickey mouses at home. If you think they are compatible how many do you think I should put in there with him? Also I wasn't going to put a heater in the tank because from what I have read platies do well in low 70's, which is what it is in my office (72). Do you think this will work ok? Thanks for all your help.



Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
hi from what i've heard and seen bettas do alot better and live alot longer if they are on their own. I personally keep mine in a 10 gal with 2 shrimp and 2 adf's the tank is crammed with loads of ornaments and he (leo) really loves swimmin in and out of them all and never seems bored? you could try this?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
What size tank is Cal in right now? Does he have a heater? What temperature is his tank at (remember that just because the ambient room temperature is in the 70s doesn't mean that'll be your water house stays at about 68F, but my smaller tanks dip down into the low 60s at night...luckily there's nothing in them anymore)?

The minimum tank size a betta should be in is 2.5gal. I don't usually recommend anything less than a 5gal for a single betta. They like space to swim. The tank should be filtered and heated at a constant temperature in the high 70s (my boys like it about 79F). The plants should be either live or silk as plastic plants can tear a betta's fins. All decorations and plants should be able to pass the "stocking" test. If you can run a nylon over the item and it doesn't snag, it's safe for a betta...if it does snag, it's not safe.

As for tankmates...that REALLY depends on your betta. Some males are fine with tankmates. I have my son's betta in a 29gal community tank with five platies, four male guppies, two otocinclus catfish and an upside down catfish. He doesn't bother anyone and they don't bother him. However, I have two other males (a crowntail and a feathertail) that I wouldn't dream of putting into a community tank because they're too aggressive. In fact, my feathertail now has a tank all to himself because he was trying to attacking his two neighbors in the 10gal divided tank he was in.

IF you think he'll work with tankmates (I usually go by if they flare at their reflection or other males...if they do, they get to be on their own...if they don't, they're community worthy), I would only do a couple of platies or else it'll get over-crowded. DEFINITELY put a heater on that tank. My platies are much more active at 79F in the 29gal than they were in their old tank at 73F. Add the platies to the new tank first (AFTER IT'S FULLY CYCLED), that way when you add the male betta, he won't automatically go claiming the tank as HIS territory and trying to drive off any intruders (the platies) because they were there first.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
also, if you keep a betta in a tank with livebearers you can watch him hunt all the live babies they produce...its like watching the discovery channel in your waiting room.

"Mr. Bojangles Stealthily stalks his stealthily as a neon blue and red fish can..."


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
also, if you keep a betta in a tank with livebearers you can watch him hunt all the live babies they produce...its like watching the discovery channel in your waiting room.

"Mr. Bojangles Stealthily stalks his stealthily as a neon blue and red fish can..."
OMG!!! I laughed so hard when I read this! My girls love it when the female guppies they're in with drop a batch of fry. I got suspicious of what was going when all of a sudden my very-pregnant female guppy wasn't so very-pregnant anymore and all three of the girls that were in there were suddenly gravid. :p


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
I suspect your betta isn't bored. He's cold. You mentioned that platies do alright at lower temps, but didn't comment on the betta. Bettas are more sensitive to low temps than platies. He really needs a heated tank. They like it close to 80. This can cheaply be accomplished in a 10g. That said, as long as your guy isn't superaggressive, which you have no idea at this point, I say a few platies are a great idea. I put a few young mollies in with my betta in a 10 to see how he would react. He got a lot more active. I think he liked his tankmates.
Just be warned about what bassbonediva says about the babies. Bettas will eat the fry. THis is good as far as not getting into a population problem in a little 10g, but make sure no one is going to get all sad about him snacking in the babies. If so, take him only virgin females or males, so no fry happen. Females are more docile in groups than male only groups of livebearers, so I vote for virgin females.


Medium Fish
May 18, 2009
Thank you all so much. I had no idea Cal needed a heater. I went out and bought him a heater and some silk plants. He is swimming around more already. I am going to hold off on adding any of the platies for a bit just to let him acclimate to his new decor. :) Thanks again everyone.


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2010
I wouldn't put platties with betta. I would put danios. danios are fast swimmers so the betta won't be able to get to them. just my 2 cents.