SAE Question

I'm curious.  Would 1 True SAE coupled with 8 ottos be sufficient algae control in a 75 Gallon heavily planted tank (3 watts of light per gallon plus added nutrients for extra growth), or should I go with two SAE's and the ottos?

I've never had a planted tank, or an SAE so I'm kinda inexperienced with both.  Any info offer is greatly appreciated! ;D

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have 6 ottos and 6 SAE in a heavely planted 29g. They keep it pretty good.

I would go with 8 ottos and more SAE. Like at least 6. They also tend to school together among the least mine tend to.

Oct 22, 2002
Just a word of warning here.  SAEs get to be 6 inches or larger in a very short period of time.  I would not recommend putting 6 of them in a 29g tank.  A good rule of thumb for ottos is one per 10g, and indeed the two I have in my 20g seem to do a pretty good job on the algae.  In my 75g heavily planted I have one large (6-7") SAE and one bristlenose plec, and the two together do a great job of algae control.  I will also make one last observation about SAEs:  they eat alot more algae when they are young.  When they get larger they tend to fill themselves up on flake food whenever they can.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Thanks for the tip davestall.

If they outgrow the tank, I have plenty of tanks for them to goto.(even if they are buggers to catch)

right now, they are not a lot bigger than when I got them. I have one 4 inch SAE in a 29 with 4 ottos and they don't take care of glass like the ottos in the other 29. So I like my 6 otto/SAE for now.  ;)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
It's just that SAE and otos eat different type of algae.  Otos eat mostly brown algae while the SAE take care of hair algae and black brush algae.

Oct 22, 2002
That's exactly right dat, and a very good obervation as well.  I have found that the best approach to algae control is (a) lots of plants and (b) a combination of algae eating fish.  In my larger tank I have found that nothing beats my bristlenose plec as far a keeping the glass, rocks, and broad leafed plants clean.  My SAE takes care of the stringy algae that grows on the plants.  In my smaller tank, the ottos do a decent job, but I really need something else to keep the plants clean.