SAE vs Otto in Krib tank

Aug 14, 2003
Columbus, OH
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So I have my 29 gallon tank with 8 tiger barbs and a pair of kribensis. I seem to have a bit of brownish algae growing on the glass and also on my anubias. I also have some more filamentous algae on the glass and some greener algae on the driftwood. I don't mind doing the work of scraping the glass, but I wouldn't mind some help either. Plus algae eating fish just seem cool. The first fish that I looked into was a pleco, but I hear they will eat plants (did I mention my tank is planted?), plus I think the kribs would pick on them too much (did I mention my kribs are pretty aggresive?). So I've sort of narrowed it down to either SAEs or ottos. I was wondering if anyone had any opinions, or better yet experience of keeping one of these two with a pair of kribs. The SAEs seem to have the advantage by being larger, but I'm not too sure if they will clean the glass and plants. Thanks for any help.
