Safe Tankmates [55gallon]

Sep 19, 2006
I have a nicly planted 55gallon tank. Its home to 2 Kibs, 12 Rasbora Epes [pork chops], 5 oto cats, 7 loaches and a New pair or Pearl Gourami's.

I would like to know what would be some good top/middle dither fish thats would be safe with plants and Gourami's. They have to be atleast 1.5" but the biggest id like would be 2" [can be bigger though]. Somehting that won't eat the prok chops would also be nice XD

I am trying to breed the kribs, the Gourami were basically something to give the top/mid a nice look, besides I always loved them. I might end up breeding them as well, cant stop a fish that wants to breed XD