Safe tap water??

Mar 1, 2005
Um, I am very new to this kind of thing and really just had one question in particular. However, I assume that you probably want to know a little about me before giving me information. So I am in college and live in Washington State US. I am a new fish owner and very unknowledgable when it comes to my fish and their tank etc. You will all probably hate me right now when I tell you that I have only a 2-gallon tank with two goldfish in it. (It does have a filter though) I know, I know, they need more room. i am working on it but with a college budget, thats all I can do. I plan on getting a nice large tank and doing everything right in the future but for now, this is how it is. anyway, feel free to ask me questions and I will try my best to anwer. But now for my question.... Is tap water okay for fish? Dont jump the gun just yet because the only reason I question is because my boyfriend's dad has a 55 gallon tank and only uses tap water, no de-chlorinator at all. His fish are fine and one is the largest fish i have ever seen !!! His goldfish have survived for several years in only cold tap water. In addtion, my cousin has a tank about 30 gallons and uses only tap water as well. All of his fish are fine and so it leads me to believe that tap water is safe. I use a dechlorinator in my water but still i have lost two goldfish in the past month. I am afraid to use tap water unless i know that it is safe. Please help me solve this and any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
p.s. i am a terrible speller and typer just to let you know.... ;)

Sep 23, 2003
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I use tap water with my goldfish. I have well water and do not use declorinator. But when I lived in the city or town I did. I would guess they losses you have had are due to tank size more than water source. Plus those goldfish get big and do most of the growth when young. Here is dually my 13" oranda.

Mar 1, 2005
Thank you so much for your help, I think I might use tap water soon. I know what you mean about too small of space for my little fishes cause they will grow but I am currently saving up enough $ to get a larger maybe 10 or so gallon tank. I forgot to mention that I also have a plecostumus (sp?) in my tank as well. His name is Jacques and he has been with me for a while. I purchased two fancy goldfish this past summer and no filter was used so they unfortuanetly died. But since I have been at school, I have been purchasing feeder goldfish and wil try to get a pic posted soon! One more question... what type of fish and how many would be best suitable for my 2-gallon tank? Along with Jacques could any other fish be better in that small of a tank than goldfish? Thanks again...
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