Sale Nite on the Gulf Coast


Superstar Fish
Dec 21, 2008
Our LFS over on the Mississippi Gulf Coast had a customer appreciation nite last night for the members of their online web site, their first one I think. Its a itty bitty store and it was really packed and I think just about every coral in the frag tank was sold, well not all, but a bunch of them. Salt and most of the equipment was 30% off, that was 30% off of some really low prices to start with. I picked up a few things for my future tank up grade, wish that I had more funds to get a few more things. I picked up two HOB filters for the two 29g stacked quarantine tanks that I am planning. The two filters weren't in stock, but he gave me the sale price 30% off and will order them for me. Also got a 200g box of salt, fish food, pellets and frozen, two bottles of pods for the Mandrain (I think I have enough pods in the tank for the Mandrain, but I like buying the bottles of the pods to try and keep the population up in the tank, never looks like there is anything in those bottles :) ) a container of carbon and GFO and I also picked up my Yellow Coris Wrasse that came in. Anyway, a good time was had by all.