Salt required for Black Molly in a community tank?

May 24, 2003
I just added a Black Molly and a Lamp Eye Tetra to my 29G community tank. I'm currently treating the tank with MelaFix as one of the Guppies has some fungus (Melafix has worked in the past). Do i NEED TO add aquarium salt to the tank for the Molly? Will this bother any of the other community fish that I've listed below? How much salt and how often? Is it ok to add it while the tank is being treated with MelaFix?

Also, an unrelated question...
I've heard that some of my fish (especially the ottos) will eat zucchini. How much zucchini do I add to the tank? Do I cut it into large slices or should I dice it up? Will all my fish eat it or should I add it in addition to the normal flake food/bloodworms/etc...

Thanks for all the help!!!

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1 Red Wag Swordtail
1 Dwarf Gourami
2 Mickey Mouse Platies
2 Fancy Guppies
4 Zebra Danios
2 Otocinclus
1 Upside Down Catfish
1 Black Molly
1 Lamp Eye Tetra

Salt isn't usually required for mollies but it is recomended. However, that really does depend on whether or not it had salt in it's tank before(at the lfs you got it from or wherever it came from). You should probably ask whomever you got it from if they put salt in the molly's tank or not.

In my experience, guppies will eat any and all kinds of vegetables. Mine always pick at my CAE's algae wafers and, since I ran out, his slice of cucumber(one fry got a growth spurt out of it! :D). The same goes for mollies and those fish are pigs so consider that when you're cutting up the zucchini. Personaly, I go by the number and size of my bottom feeders to determine how much vegetation to stick in the tank with them. Whether you slice it or dice it, I don't think the fish care unless you've seen some sign that they, indeed, do. I gove mine slices 'cause I figure it's easier for them to suck on and more difficult for the other fish to eat so the bottom feeder(s) can have a go at it. Sorry I couldn't be of more help concerning how much to give 'em. :(