I'm baaack... lol... Anyway, I'm going to continue an old thread which asked for help setting up a salt water aquarium... I've got a few questions about setting up a SW tank... Firstly, do I need my live rock when setting it up, or can I set it up/ have to set it up and then put the live rock in. Or do I even need the live rock, considering my parents bought me live sand... I've got salt, a hydrometer, live sand, some sort of powder for the reef (not planning on having corals yet, but my parents went all out last Christmas xD)... And I think that's it, might be wrong... Oh yeah, a really cheap (and kinda crummy) power head... I don't know if I'm gonna replace it with a Kovalia powerhead or just use it temporarily... Anyway, I've got a 30 gallon tank... I'm asking this, cause I think it's too small, but I wanted to have a pink bar goby (the shrimp kind) and two clown fish, along with some inverts (not corals, shrimp, hermit crabs, snails, etc), but I'm afraid it's too much... Could someone help me out here? I've asked this on TFH forums, but no one is on there, so I thought I'd post it here...