k heres my problem I have 2 ten gallons with guppies, one with females and one with males. I've been having a problem with ICH so I put some super ICK cure
(2 tsp than in 48 hrs another 2tsp and than in another 48hrs a 25% water change) but accoring to some of the replies I've received salt is a better remedie. So I was wondering if I could but in some salt now without actually finishing the process with the super Ick cure................I also wanted to know if guppies like salt and if I could leave salt in my tank even after the ICH is gone(pet store said I should keep salt in tank always).....................and I also have some fry in one of the tanks as well and was wondering since I lost 3 of them if it was because of the treatment( I didn't put it in, my bro did) or because of the ICH itself..........OH and can I have salt in my fry tank as well????
thanks alot!! Tania
k heres my problem I have 2 ten gallons with guppies, one with females and one with males. I've been having a problem with ICH so I put some super ICK cure
(2 tsp than in 48 hrs another 2tsp and than in another 48hrs a 25% water change) but accoring to some of the replies I've received salt is a better remedie. So I was wondering if I could but in some salt now without actually finishing the process with the super Ick cure................I also wanted to know if guppies like salt and if I could leave salt in my tank even after the ICH is gone(pet store said I should keep salt in tank always).....................and I also have some fry in one of the tanks as well and was wondering since I lost 3 of them if it was because of the treatment( I didn't put it in, my bro did) or because of the ICH itself..........OH and can I have salt in my fry tank as well????
thanks alot!! Tania