

Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002

k heres my problem I have 2 ten gallons with guppies, one with females and one with males. I've been having a problem with ICH so I put some super ICK cure
(2 tsp than in 48 hrs another 2tsp and than in another 48hrs a 25% water change) but accoring to some of the replies I've received salt is a better remedie. So I was wondering if I could but in some salt now without actually finishing the process with the super Ick cure................I also wanted to know if guppies like salt and if I could leave salt in my tank even after the ICH is gone(pet store said I should keep salt in tank always).....................and I also have some fry in one of the tanks as well and was wondering since I lost 3 of them if it was because of the treatment( I didn't put it in, my bro did) or because of the ICH itself..........OH and can I have salt in my fry tank as well????

thanks alot!! Tania:p


Large Fish
Nov 9, 2002
Los Angeles, California
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yes you can add salt to the tanks but they have to be AQUARIUM SALT. just keep giving them the medications with the salt in the tank. both of them combined will keep the fish be under less stress and be cured faster. but put the recommended amount of aqarium salt it says on the box. salt won't hurt frys it will actually help them get more color and grow faster and be healthier. i put salt in my molly tanks and the suckers are only 2 weeks old and are already 3 times their original size.2 more weeks and i'll be putting them in with their parents. i hope i helped if you still have questions e-mail me at


Small Fish
Nov 13, 2002
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i agree with the above - they do tend to like a bit of aquarium salt in their water :) i'd continue with the ick cure though, because sometimes if a treatment is discontinued before a cure is reached, the disease comes back worse later (happens in humans as well as fish!) :) good luck!