Saltwater Newbie

May 29, 2006
Sussex, NJ
I have been into freshwater for a few years. I would really like to set up a 29 gallon saltwater tank. I also have available: a 10, 55, and 40 high.Can someone point me in the right direction and give me an approximate cost for this? Thanks for the info.

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
I'm going to be setting a tank near that I would bet you could get away with $500. It all depends what you want to be able to keep. You could set up the 55 as a fish only tank, and put some pretty cool stuff without having to get expensive lighting or corals.

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Just make sure you plan for at least double of what your inital cost estimate is going to be. I just recently setup a 55 and I started with a tank. I sent a good 1000 so far. Make sure you take your time and be patient you need a lot more with SW than a FW tank. I would use the largest tank you can for the SW.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
I would definitly scratch the 40g Tall off the list of optional tanks to use, you're better off with one that has a larger surface area which will allow for better gas/oxygen echange to take place in the water. I would personally go with the 55g if this is going to be your first SW tank as the great the water volume the more room for error in water chemistry.

As for cost of setting up... that is a tough question to answer unless, like as stated above you can give us an idea of what kind of tank set-up you are shooting for. It could be anywere from $500.00 - a few thousand dollars, my new 20g w/15 sump & refug. is probably worth somewhere in around the $2000.00 dollar range, and that is not including the cost of test kits, Salt mix and stuff like that. One word of advise when you go buy your Salt mix spend the money on one of those big buckets of mix that does like 200g, it is alot cheaper in the long run and your going to use it up quickly enough anyway so it saves you extra trips to the store


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Add a skimmer and I think that would be a great idea. Then all you need is salt mix, a few powerheads and a source of decent quality water.
I would expect a couple of fairly large price items to be the skimmer (do not buy junk!) and the liverock. I can't price them for you tho' as I don't live where you do.
Read the stickies, especially the bit about how I setup a tank a couple years ago.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Actually if you want to save money, just do a stack of reading upfront. Most newbies probably waste about 30 - 50% of the money they spend in the first year.