saltwater question?!?

May 6, 2003
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hello evryone. i have had a 20g long freshwater tank cycling for about a week now. some one @ the lfs told me that it was possible to add some chemicals and salt to my cycling tank and convert it to saltwater. is this possible? what i am trying to do is just change the whole freshwater deal straight to saltwater. thanks in advance and sorry if this is a stupid question


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
Well that would probably be kind of risky, you would have to change the substrate anyways, you might as well start it over, if you use live sand for the substrate it will cycle very quickly, but be careful because if this is your first saltwater tank, it won't be easy with a little tank like that, the bigger the easier.


Large Fish
Nov 21, 2002
North Las Vegas, Nevada
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Converted freshwater tanks are not the way to go, If you want a salt tank than buy a salt tank.... but to anwser your question, YES it is possible with the right equipment.

Small salt water tanks are difficult, as there is not much you can stock it with. Most fish will get to big for a 20 gallon. (remember the fish/gallon ratio for salt is about 1" of fish per 10 gallon) You could have a micro reef, but that would require some expensive equipment to make it successful, so i reccommend again getting a proper salt water setup from the start.

Basically its pointless to buy $400-$500 on equipment and put it on a $100 freshwater tank. I say this cause the tank itself is the most visible part of the aquarium, so why skimp on the main part, when your going to have to spend alot anyways.